Wednesday, July 22, 2009


From the imges given, such as the ritual vessels and inscribed ox scapula we know that there is an existant of priests. Conduct a research to learn more about the religion that the Shang Civilisation practiced. Blog your answers suppported by pictorial or written sources as your evidence.

Underneath the aristocrastic society of the Shang Civilisation, there was a class called the priest class, of which priest kept the records of the government and were fully in charge of the religion. The religion in the time of the Shang Civilisation was ancestor and idol based. Although having many gods, the Shang people only gave offerings to their main god, Shang Ti, the Lord on High. Sacrifice to the gods were also necessary at certain points of time. When a king died, hundreds and maybe thousands of slaves, workers and peasants were sacrificed and buried together with him. People were also sacrificed when important events such as, the founding of a temple or palace, but the sacrificed usually came in small numbers

The Shang Dynasty

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